
Corporate car sharing: why not sharing between companies?

by | Carsharing

At Mobility Tech Green, we have been assisting local authorities and companies in setting up corporate car sharing services for over twelve years. These are mobility offers launched for the employees of the structure only. But what if sharing and optimising a fleet of vehicles could go further? This is the challenge of inter-company car sharing.

A new step in fleet pooling

Corporate car sharing is still a relatively new concept. At the heart of this concept: sharing. Or how to move from an individual ownership model to a shared model. Nevertheless, this change already requires considerable adjustments in terms of usage behaviour. We started from the observation that the sharing of service vehicles could still be optimised.

Indeed, a growing number of requests in this direction supported this idea. In business parks, real estate programmes or even incubators, a reflection was emerging: the provision of a fleet of vehicles shared between several structures would allow everyone to find their way around.

In terms of costs, but also of parking spaces, accessibility, etc. The Mobility Tech Green team now had to adapt its solution to these specific needs.

Vue aérienne parking

Inter-company car sharing: how does it work?

The promoter of an inter-company car sharing project offers its fleet of vehicles to other partner organisations.

In concrete terms, the project leader has its own car sharing service for its employees, and can open up the reservation of its vehicles to other entities with mobility needs.

To do this, the structures wishing to use these vehicles will have a contract created by the project leader. The latter will set up an associated price scale. A subscription system can also be set up.

Future users will then be able to register for the service, reserve the entity’s vehicles and will be invoiced per use, all from our platform: e-Colibri™. The project owner will be able to pilot his service and manage the users, the vehicles as well as the contracts.

Bureaux entreprise

From there, it’s a classic car sharing service: online reservation; self-service access to the vehicle; return to the dedicated car park. Nothing could be simpler!

Why think about opening up your corporate car sharing today?

Inter-company car sharing is an ideal solution for optimising fleet management costs. Indeed, the fact of pooling these between several structures allows the rental and maintenance costs to be amortised.

Goodbye also to the use of rental or mileage allowances for companies that do not have their own vehicles! This service at the foot of the building will always be offered at a more attractive rate or may even be integrated into a global service offer.

ROI (Return on Investment) can easily be achieved through the implementation of attractive rates and adequate communication around the service.

In a pragmatic way, the provision of such a service also allows for the optimisation of parking spaces. At a time when looking for a parking space has become a modern scourge, providing a practical service can encourage employees to stop using their private cars systematically. And therefore to mobilise parking spaces without having to travel the rest of the day!

All good reasons to embark on the inter-company adventure!

Autopartage inter-entreprises

And some have already taken the plunge! This is the case of the Syndicat de Transports du Bassin de Briey (ST2B), in France, which we have been supporting since last year in the management of an inter-structure car-sharing service: Pro’Fil. Today, there are five electric vehicles spread over five municipalities in the basin. These are available to companies, local authorities and associations, in return for a subscription and an hourly rate. A model that works!

Plateforme de gestion autopartage

Discover our e-Colibri™ car sharing solution to pool your fleet of vehicles in an automated way


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