by | 3 Nov, 2020 | Fleet management, Mobility Tech Green
After a first participation in 2017 in Estoril, our team is back for this Fleet Europe Summit 2020. A 100% digital edition this year. But that will nonetheless remain a B2B event not to be missed for fleet managers and mobility players! Our sales and communication...
by | 21 Aug, 2019 | Carsharing
On vous avait déjà présenté leurs différences. Mais loin d’être antagonistes, l’autopartage et le covoiturage fonctionnent parfaitement ensemble ! Un choix plus qu’intéressant, aussi bien pour...
by | 31 Jul, 2019 | Carsharing
Carsharing is more and more popular in our cities. Many citizens choose mobility on demand rather over the ownership of a vehicle. This shift is largely made possible by the development of powerful numeric tools. But did you know that this servicial mobility has its...
by | 24 Jul, 2019 | Carsharing
Corporate carsharing is offered to make professional travels, but is not limited to that! In order to optimize even more their vehicles while offering a convenient service to their staff, more and more companies choose to open their shared vehicles to reservation on...
by | 15 Feb, 2019 | Fleet management
These last few years, fleet management definitely entered the digital world and discovered the potential of data. While the volume of corporate fleets is getting bigger, fleet managers search optimization tools to help them reduce their mobility budget while offering...